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Giant Lego Subway Meal Might Make You Hungry for Plastic

Have you ever wondered why cats love licking plastic so much? It used to be one of life’s great mysteries, like how the dryer manages to make half your socks disappear, or what’s in a Twinkie. But as I gaze upon this Lego Subway combo, found via The Brothers Brick, I admit: I’d lick that. Yes, it would probably be a regrettable act in the end, but these constructions really do look good enough to eat.

This combo meal, featuring a 34-inch tall soda cup and 28-inch tall bag of chips, was made by Bruce Lowell, a Lego artist for both fun and profit. He’s seen some of his creations appear in The Lego Movie, and this was a commission by Lay’s for a Las Vegas party celebrating the partnership between the chip company and the purveyor of fast-food footlongs.

Check out our mini-gallery to appreciate the finer details, like the rough, wavy texture of the soda in the cup, the seemingly haphazard way slices of meat are stacked, and the way colors combine to make the red onions and olives really pop. I’m more of a jalapeno cheese bread dude, myself, but even the fact that I’m thinking this way means Subway has already won. Now dammit, I wanna sammich! (That can and should be your new catchphrase, Subway. You’re welcome.)

What fast food items should Bruce tackle next? Anyone wanna see Burger King’s Mac n’ Cheetos built with bricks? Or is it just cruel to see such a beautiful rendering of good eatin’s, only to know you can’t actually stuff it in your face? (I mean, you CAN, but you really shouldn’t.)

Who’s hungry for more? Comment below and let us know.

Images: Bruce Lowell


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