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Gaming Daily: Victorian Themed ASSASSIN’S CREED To Be Revealed May 12th

There are certain games that you just know will be coming out on a yearly basis. The annualizing of franchises has become a popular trend with some publishers, and with good reason– people love the games. Well, on this wonderful breezy day (well, at least here in SoCal), many people will be happy to hear that the newest Assassin’s Creed title will be announced not too long from now. With that little teaser, let us get into today’s Gaming Daily, which includes: the next Assassin’s Creed title will be revealed May 12th, Wii U Mega May Event kicks off with some Mega Man and Bass, and CD Projekt Red warns against purchasing The Witcher 3 keys from Green Man Gaming. Let the news roll.

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 Assassin’s Creed title to be revealed May 12th.

Just like clockwork, it’s time for another Assassin’s Creed title. Ubisoft has announced that they will be revealing the newest installment in the franchise on May 12th at 9 A.M. PST. Looks like we will probably get a better look at it come E3, and it will be slated for release at the end of this year. These assumptions are being made because that is the usual schedule the franchise runs on. Despite the title not being announced yet, we know some of the information on the game already thanks to a leak that was confirmed to be real by Ubisoft last year. What we know so far is that the title for the game was Assassin’s Creed Victory, and that it was set in Victorian England. Unless Ubisoft is pulling a fast one on us, this should be accurate.

It is very possible that the name of the game could change, but we doubt they would be able to completely re-work everything else with such haste. Another possibility for the announcement is that multiple games are announced, just like last year.

One thing is certain, whatever they will be announcing next week needs to be released in a much better state than Assassin’s Creed: Unity was in when it originally released. The game was almost unplayable for some users, and that is inadequate. If Ubisoft doesn’t want to lose more of its loyal fan base, their games need to work.

HT: Assassin’s Creed

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Wii U Mega May Event Kicks off with some Mega Man and Bass.

The votes are in and have been tallied by Capcom! The first Game Boy Advance Mega Man game to hit the Wii U E-Shop this month will be Mega Man and Bass. This marks the beginning of the Mega Man celebration that will be occurring throughout the month of May on Nintendo’s home consoles online store. Each Thursday will see a brand new blue bomber game make its way onto the gamepad-partnered console. If only we would finally get a new game in the series. But that may be too much to ask for.

Voting for which title the fans wanted to come first started last week, so it was a relatively short voting span. Here are the rest of the Game Boy Advance Games to release on the Wii U for the rest of the month:

5/14- Mega Man Battle Network Blue/White

5/21- Mega Man Zero 2

5/28- Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon/ Red Sun

It looks like Battle Network fans will have plenty of games to choose from. I am a huge fan of the Battle Network series, so I will be grabbing most of these. The Blue Bomber never gets the amount of love he deserves, at least not from Capcom, so hopefully sales of these older titles will prove that a new one is necessary. On a side note– why are these not being put onto the 3DS? I already have Battle Network 5 on my GBA SP, but I don’t want to look like a noob hauling that dinosaur around.

HT: Capcom, Nintendo

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CD Projekt Red warning people not to purchase PC keys from Green Man Gaming.

This is seriously the weirdest story of the day. The Witcher 3 developer CD Projekt Red’s own business development manager posted on their forums, warning people not to purchase The Witcher 3 pre-purchased keys from online retailer Green Man Gaming. Rafael Jaki has stated that they don’t know how GMG got their hands on the keys, which at one point they were selling for 35% off. As of right now, it isn’t clear as to how Green Man Gaming got their hands on the codes, nor whether the developers are getting any of the revenue–mainly because it is all hearsay at this point. Though, we see very little reason why the developers would be making this up, as they have stated that they aren’t getting the money owed to them from GMG.

CEO of GMG, Paul Sulyok, said in a statement to Gamespot that the codes were gained through an approved third-party seller. The issue here is that reselling something is fine, but if CD Projekt Red is not getting paid, well that brings about an entirely different situation.

The moral of the story is to keep an eye out where you’re purchasing your items. 35% off is a significant discount, and therefore consumers need to be cautious. The codes already purchased will probably work, but because the source of the codes is unknown, they could just be fake. Another important thing to keep in mind is that these types of grand expansive games cost a lot of money to make, and if you want more, the people making them need to get paid. Stealing only puts talented developers out of business.

HT: CD Projekt Red Forum

Thursday has now come and gone, with plenty of news along with it. We will keep you updated on the goings on with CD Projekt Red and GMG so keep checking back. Take a leap of faith into the comments section below and let us know what you want to see in the Assassin’s Creed franchise. Keep the good times rolling, everyone.

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