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Gaming Daily: OVERWATCH is Coming to PS4 and Xbox One

We’re less than a week away from Fallout 4 day, everybody. That means you have five days to finish whatever game you’ve been playing recently to make some room. If that game somehow isn’t your jam, you’ll also be able to pick up Rise of the Tomb Raider on November 10th. I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely excited to jump into the role of Lara Croft again.Since I know the wait is hard, I’ve gathered some of the day’s news to keep you entertained and informed about what’s going on in the wonderful world of video games.

In today’s Gaming Daily, Overwatch is coming to PS4/Xbox One, Fallout 4’s launch trailer hit the web, there’s more Bloodborne content on the way, the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy companion app is officially out, and the production company behind the Mummy movies plans to release Witcher feature film in 2017.


Overwatch is coming to PS4 and Xbox One.

If you were bummed that you weren’t going to be able to play Overwatch because you don’t own a gaming PC, rejoice, because Blizzard took to the web yesterday to confirm that the game will indeed be making its way to consoles. With the BlizzCon festivities set to kick off today, we figured we’d be hearing something new about the title, but weren’t expecting this.

It all started yesterday when Game Informer reported that they had “received word” that the upcoming first person shooter would be coming to both the PS4 and the Xbox One. They also noted that every version of the game would be priced at $60, and would release sometime in 2016. Soon after the news hit, Blizzard confirmed the reports, and added a June 21st release date to an image on the game’s homepage.

Though this is probably one of the huge announcements Blizzard planned on making over the next few days, I’m sure they’ll be revealing more details, or showing off new footage. I guess we’ll just have to wait to find out.

[HT: Game Informer, Battle Net]

The Fallout 4 launch trailer is here!

As I mentioned in the intro, Fallout 4 is almost here! With the game’s November 10 release drawing near, Bethesda took the opportunity to release the official launch trailer. If youwant to go in blind, I suggest scrolling past the video. But, if you’ve been dying to see more, feast your eyes on the trailer above. Man the game is looking great. I wish Tuesday would hurry up and get here already!

[HT: Nerdist]


New content coming to Bloodborne, not part of The Old Hunters expansion

If you’ve read my Bloodborne review, you know how much I loved FromSoftware’s action RPG. In fact, it still sits pretty high on my ever-changing “Game of the Year” list. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the announcement of The Old Hunters expansion was one of my favorite bits from Sony’s TGS press conference. While fans already have this bit of DLC coming on November 24th, those who don’t plan on purchasing it will still have something to play, courtesy of a recently announced patch.

Sony Japan’s Masaaki Yamagiwa revealed that an upcoming update, which includes a new group known as The League headed by “a mysterious figure in a constable’s garb and bucket helmet,” will be available sometime soon. Those who join the ranks will be able to help each other out online, and duke it out on a brand new leaderboard.

In addition to the group, a new weapon called “The League Cane” has also been added, alongside a new co-op ability that will allow players to summon NPC allies. According to Yamagiwa, these are “perfect for tackling challenging areas and bosses.”

[HT: PlayStation Blog]

Fallout 4 Pip Boy App

The Fallout 4 Pip-Boy App is now available for download.

Last week, we unboxed the highly anticipated Pip-Boy edition of Fallout 4. If you were lucky enough to pre-order one when they were available, it won’t be long before you have one in your possession. If, however, you don’t have one coming, you’ll still be able to download the official Pip-Boy App–designed to be a companion to the upcoming game. For more on what you’ll be able to do with it, check out our full article (linked below).

[HT: Nerdist]

The Witcher Gif

There’s going to be a Witcher film, but CD Projekt Red won’t be involved.

There were a ton of great games this year, but one of my favorites (only second to my #1 bae, Bloodborne) was The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. So, when news broke yesterday that the feature film based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s famous series would be getting a 2017 release, I couldn’t have been more excited. Unfortunately, the film won’t have anything to do with the Polish video game developer’s franchise, but maybe that’s a good thing, since game-to-film adaptations don’t always work out.

The film will reportedly be based on themes from the short stories The Witcher and The Lesser Evil. If you’re curious, both can be found in Sapkowski’s The Last Wish, which is the first of two collections (the second of which is The Sword of Destiny) chronicling the events leading up to the main series.

According to reports around the web, it will be a full-scale feature film, with a cast of actors and special effects. After the film releases, the folks behind it plan to continue the series in both film and on TV. Additionally, both Platige Film–part of the company responsible for the game’s cinematics–and Sean Daniel Company (The Mummy films) are involved, with Oscar nominee Tomek Baginski set to direct.

[HT: Eurogamer]

That’s it for today’s Gaming Daily. Keep Nerdist tabbed for upcoming gaming news, reviews and features. In the mood to talk about what you read? Leave a comment below, join the conversation on Facebook, or send me a tweet: @sam3214.



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