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Gaming Daily: Brave DESTINY Player Beats Crota Using Only ROCK BAND Drum Set

It feels like it took forever to get to this point, but both Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate and Halo 5: Guardians (which we loved) are finally out in the wild. That means we’re getting closer to the release of Fallout 4, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Star Wars Battlefront. While you wait, however, we’ve got a bunch of news to get through. In today’s Gaming Daily, somebody beat Destiny’s “Crota’s End” raid using only a Rock Band drum kit, NBA Escape allows players the opportunity to have a positive impact while they play, Batman: Arkham Knight is back on Steam again, Bethesda released Fallout 4 Art Book images, and PlayStation President Shuhei Yoshida says Sony doesn’t have plans to make the PS4 backwards compatible.

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YouTuber Beats Destiny’s Crota’s End using Rock Band drums.

Now this is just getting ridiculous. Although completing games in nontraditional ways is nothing new, we were quite impressed to hear that YouTube’s Sean Gallagher was able to successfully complete a solo run of  Crota’s End using only a Rock Band drum set. Hopefully Bungie doesn’t find a way to patch this out of the game.

What’s most impressive about the video at the top of the page, is Sean’s ability to alternate between pounding on the drums and using the directional pad to get around the map, dodge enemies, and take home sweet, sweet victory. He even finishes with an appropriate drum solo. Well done, sir. Well done.

HT: YouTube

Fallout 4 Art Book Image 4

Bethesda releases concept images from upcoming Fallout 4 art book.

As I mentioned in the intro, Fallout 4 is almost upon us! The next two weeks are probably going to take forever. In the meantime, Bethesda has provided excited fans with a special sneak peek a whopping 30 pages from the Fallout 4 art book they’ll be selling on their online store starting December 22. To check out a gallery of the images, and learn more, check out our full article (linked below).

HT: Nerdist


Batman: Arkham Knight is back on Steam

We were big fans of Batman: Arkham Knight, but the same can’t be said for everybody, especially those who originally purchased the game for PC. Though the game was pulled from the Steam store when it launched back in June, it went back up today, boasting a patch which would bring it up to date with the console version.

On top of that, Warner Bros. revealed that anyone who has already purchased Arkham Knight or picks it up before November 16 will score all of the previous Arkham titles completely free of charge. Additionally, a community challenge pack is set to arrive first for PC owners at the beginning of 2016, in January.

If you’ve yet to pick up the season pass, you will be able to grab the Premium Edition–which comes with all previously released content–for $89.99. Those who have purchased it, will have all DLC ready to download once they buy the game.

The standard edition is available for $49.99, with a physical edition on it’s way to stores at some point.

HT: VG 24/7


Help raise money for the Boys & Girls Club by playing NBA Escape 

We’re all about supporting charity work here at Nerdist. In fact, we were lucky enough to raise over $16, 000 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals during our 24-hour Extra Life stream over the weekend. If you tuned in on Saturday, you might have been lucky enough to catch LA Laker Roy Hibbert on the stream, playing a bit of Halo 5, and Call of Duty with our own Edwin Garcia. What you may not know, however, is that he was involved with bringing a mobile game called NBA Escape to both Android and iOS devices. The best part is the title helps raise money for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. For more on the project, check out our full write up on the project (link below).

HT: Nerdist 

Sony President Shuhei Yoshida reiterates that PS4 won’t be backwards compatible.

When Microsoft unveiled backwards compatibility for the Xbox One during their E3 press conference this year, it left Sony fans wondering whether the PS4 would eventually sport the same features. Although the company has stated several times that they don’t plan on doing it, Sony Worldwide President Shuhei Yoshida reiterated the sentiment again to a fan on twitter. (above)

“PS3 is such a unique architecture, and some games made use of SPUs very well,” Yoshida explained in a recent statement. “It’s going to be super challenging to do so. I never say never, but we have no plans.”

According to Sony, the feature wasn’t used very much in the first iteration of the PS3. So, considering how difficult it would be to implement because of the system’s unique architecture, it probably wouldn’t be worth doing–despite how badly we may want it.

HT: Twitter, VG 24/7

That’s it for today’s Gaming Daily. Let us know your thoughts on today’s top story in the comments below. Keep Nerdist tabbed for upcoming gaming news, reviews, and features.

Featured Image: YouTube/Sean Gallagher

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