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Theater Marathoning All 67 GAME OF THRONES Episodes

It’s not hard for people/unfortunate lost souls who have never seen Game of Thrones to catch up on the show, because even though there have been seven seasons, there have only been 67 episodes total. Considering how great the series is, at minimum they can knock the whole thing out in a couple of months without breaking a sweat. But if they’re truly sick and tired of not getting all those “White Walkers” and “hold the door” references and want to get up-to-date, they can try watching the whole show in one four-day sitting, like a theater full of devoted fans are going to do later this month in the United Kingdom.

We learned about this ultimate binge-watch at, and it is being hosted by HBO at the Prince Charles Cinema in London, starting Monday, November 27 and ending Thursday, November 30. They are holding this four day marathon to celebrate the release of season seven and the complete seasons one to seven box set on DVD and Blu-ray in December.

But just as good as spending four days during the work week watching Game of Thrones is that everyone who makes it through all 67 episodes will be entered into a drawing to win a year’s supply of pizza from MOD Pizza, who will also be supplying meals during dinner breaks.

“Valar morghulis,” but all men need to eat too.

Unfortunately the free event has already reached capacity, but don’t give up hope yet, because the theater will be announcing the release of more tickets at the door each day via their Twitter page.

And the best part about watching the whole show in four days is you can still spend the next two months watching it again, only without having to use four vacation days.

Would you be willing to take part in this marathon watch? Tell us why in the comments below.

Images: HBO

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