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Talkin' Toons

Laraine Newman Gives GAME OF THRONES’ Cersei the FAIRLY ODDPARENTS Treatment in This Crossover

A queen who distrusts nice and pleasant things, embraces the loathsome and violent, and has a son who seems to be the complete opposite of a normal human? No, we’re not talking about Cersei Lannister, we’re talking about Queen Jipjorrulac from The Fairly OddParents. But those similarities are exactly why we had Laraine Newman recreate a scene from Game of Thrones.

On the latest episode of our Alpha series Talkin’ Toons, host Rob Paulsen was joined by original SNL cast member and fellow voice actor Laraine Newman, who read Cersei’s part from a Game of Thrones scene in which Cersei tried to explain to Joffrey that not every problem can be solved with force (uh, maybe follow your own advice). And it just so happens that on The Fairly OddParents, Rob voiced the role of Mark Chang, Queen Jipjorrulac’s son, making this arguably our most perfect cartoon/pop culture crossover to date.

Queen Jipjorrulac sounds more frazzled than Lena Headey’s Cersei, but a lot less intimidating. However, we think it would be great if Cersei randomly screamed at the end of some conversations. That would freak us the seven hells out.

If you want to see the rest of this episode, as well as every other installment of Talkin’ Toons, you can watch them all at our interactive online Alpha community. It’s just one of our many great shows there, and if you’re not already a member your first 30 days are free, so sign up now. Both Queens Cersei and Jipjorrulac would have trouble complaining about an offer that good.

What other animated characters should fill in for denizens of Westeros? Give voice to your ideas in the comments below.

Featured Image: Nickelodeon, HBO

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