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GAME OF THRONES Gets a Musical Season 1 Recap with SEX PISTOLS’ Steve Jones

As everyone knows, in the Game of Thrones, you live or you die. In fact, word on the street is that all men MUST die but hey, let’s ask some White Walkers about that. But regardless of their icy, undead hearts, isn’t that grim reality of certain death made all the more palatable when put to tune? Of course it is! Which is exactly why we got the Sex Pistols’ own Steve Jones (Krull to all you Californication fans out there) to sing you sweet while simultaneously recapping the HBO series in advance of its fifth season premiere. Welcome to the Game of Jones!

So sit back, relax, and refresh your memory in the first of Jones’ musical madcap recaps for us regarding the upcoming season. The show was conceived by our own EIC Brian Walton. Fun Fact: Zach Sherwin aka MC Mr. Napkins, from Epic Rap Battles, wrote the lyrics while Paris Zax produced. Pretty neat, eh?

What’s your favorite memory from season one of Game of Thrones? Let’s hear ’em in the comments!

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  1. Orionsangel says:

    Game of Drones? That’s a parody waiting to happen. 

  2. dimitri says:

    Its you WIN OR YOU DIE, not YOU LIVE OR YOU DIE. Youre a rock god get it right.