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FUTURAMA Fan Keeps Slurm Cold in this Custom Slurm Fridge

If there’s one thing we’ve missed since Futurama went off the air — there are thousands of things we miss, not just one, but anyway — it’s the galaxy’s favorite soft drink, Slurm… although that’s probably due to the chemical dependency our bodies are now subject to. With a slogan like “It’s Highly Addictive!”, of course we were hooked. It’s so great that we know where it comes from and we still could not care less.

The good news, especially for the Wormulonian workers who have been out of a job with no Slurm being made, is that the first steps of a grassroots campaign to bring back the green goodness may already be underway: imgur user LovelyLudwig uploaded a photo gallery a few days ago showing off the Slurm-branded refrigerator that they made, using custom graphics to modify a mini Red Bull-branded fridge.

In the original imgur post, LovelyLudwig also outlined the process by which they made the Futurama fridge, which seems to have primarily consisted of having vinyl stickers and a panel for the front light box made up at a local print shop. The lovely creator was also kind enough to provide the original, downloadable image files he used to make the fridge in the gallery. Check out the photo gallery below to see the finished product from multiple angles.

LovelyLudwig, you can rest easy knowing that what you have done is a public service, and that Slurms MacKenzie is very proud of you.

HT: Neatorama


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