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First Look at Jamie Bell as The Thing in FANTASTIC FOUR

We’ve now seen a couple of trailers for Fox’s upcoming Fantastic Four overhaul, making it (of course) much darker and more brooding than the admittedly stupid two films that came before it. In those previews, we’ve seen bits of the characters and even smaller bits of them using their powers. Reed Richards (Miles Teller) stretches, Sue Storm (Kate Mara) goes invisible, Johnny Storm (Michael B. Jordan) flames on, but only in snippets. The person we haven’t seen any of and certainly not in the focal, is Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm, a.k.a the Man Who Would Be Thing.

Empire has obtained some new official stills from the movie, which doesn’t premiere until August, and one of them is a head-on glimpse of the the Rockman himself. Following the pretty disastrous and clearly-fake look of the suit that Michael Chiklis wore in the two Tim Story movies, Josh Trank’s movie Thing seems to be all CGI, and probably mo-capped like they do with everybody these days because they can.

The other pictures (gallery below) released don’t tell us too much; one is the four on the planet in another dimension, and the other is Teller on a gurney, possibly stretching his arms, but it’s hard to tell. The real story here is, of course, the Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing. While I haven’t loved a lot of the decisions made regarding this film, I think they’ve pretty much nailed a “realistic” Thing that’s still true to the comics.

Fantastic Four hits cinemas August 7, 2015.

What say you of Ben Grimm’s new look? Are you excited for Fantastic Four or are you superhero movie’d out? Let us know, you know where.

HT: Empire


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