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FEaB #8: Sponsored By….

Once again, I have to rely on the description provided me by Scott and Matt, which this time is:

Scott never does anything and Matt never follows through. Oh yeah – and they talk about rectums.

So… yeah.

Art by Dana Lechtenberg

Kylo Ren’s Signature Force Sound Was a Purring Kitty, Say Sound Designers

Kylo Ren’s Signature Force Sound Was a Purring Kitty, Say Sound Designers

Op-Ed: I’m a Man and I Want to See Female Superhero Movies

Op-Ed: I’m a Man and I Want to See Female Superhero Movies

Sony Plans Movies for Silk, Jackpot, and Nightwatch

Sony Plans Movies for Silk, Jackpot, and Nightwatch



  1. one_who_reads says:

    Next time in you’re in Portland, go to Potato Champion for poutine at Cartopia, SE 12th and SE Hawthorne Blvd.

  2. Demonstrable says:

    The last time I flew Jet Blue I had the exact same reaction to the screens.

  3. Vincent S says:

    Just read the news about the closure of AotS and X Play on G4 Matt. Kinda bummed AotS is closing shop soon and I won’t see your cherubic face for a long while. I hope you get a great opportunity after this. I don’t drink but accept a sentimental pouring of a liquid in your job lose.

  4. Timewalker says:

    Great show guys. Matt, I got the military dog adoption email too, but snopes calls it a hoax. Sorry.

  5. Josh says:


  6. Adam says:

    This show just keeps improving every week. I didn’t think Canadian Sniper would be topped so soon but, wow.

  7. Derek Harju says:

    The show just gets better ever week, FEAB and Nerdist have become a physical necessity in my life. Thank you.

    BTW, The sign off absolutely has to be:
    Scott- “TAKE THE SHOT!”
    Matt- “SORRY!”

  8. SpandexScientist says:

    Loving the FEAB 🙂

    Have you tried “James Bond: Blood Stone” Matt? It wasn’t the best game ever, but all the bond-heads I know were able to overlook the biggest flaws of it, due to the IP.

  9. Overlord says:


  10. MATT MOSIER says:

    My eyes now light up when I see a new FEAB pop up in the RSS. Keep up the good work fellas.


  11. Beergeek 514 says:

    Please keep the FEAB coming!!! Amazing episode! Matt please talk Gordon Ramsey into doing Nerdist whilst at Hell’s kitchen!!!!