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FEaB #8: Sponsored By….

Once again, I have to rely on the description provided me by Scott and Matt, which this time is:

Scott never does anything and Matt never follows through. Oh yeah – and they talk about rectums.

So… yeah.

Art by Dana Lechtenberg

Sweet Texts Come to Life with Emoji Cookies

Sweet Texts Come to Life with Emoji Cookies

This Week in Science: Tatooine Sunsets and Hulk’s Hue

This Week in Science: Tatooine Sunsets and Hulk’s Hue

SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Star Zendaya on Whether She's Playing Mary Jane

SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Star Zendaya on Whether She's Playing Mary Jane



  1. one_who_reads says:

    Next time in you’re in Portland, go to Potato Champion for poutine at Cartopia, SE 12th and SE Hawthorne Blvd.

  2. Demonstrable says:

    The last time I flew Jet Blue I had the exact same reaction to the screens.

  3. Vincent S says:

    Just read the news about the closure of AotS and X Play on G4 Matt. Kinda bummed AotS is closing shop soon and I won’t see your cherubic face for a long while. I hope you get a great opportunity after this. I don’t drink but accept a sentimental pouring of a liquid in your job lose.

  4. Timewalker says:

    Great show guys. Matt, I got the military dog adoption email too, but snopes calls it a hoax. Sorry.

  5. Josh says:


  6. Adam says:

    This show just keeps improving every week. I didn’t think Canadian Sniper would be topped so soon but, wow.

  7. Derek Harju says:

    The show just gets better ever week, FEAB and Nerdist have become a physical necessity in my life. Thank you.

    BTW, The sign off absolutely has to be:
    Scott- “TAKE THE SHOT!”
    Matt- “SORRY!”

  8. SpandexScientist says:

    Loving the FEAB 🙂

    Have you tried “James Bond: Blood Stone” Matt? It wasn’t the best game ever, but all the bond-heads I know were able to overlook the biggest flaws of it, due to the IP.

  9. Overlord says:


  10. MATT MOSIER says:

    My eyes now light up when I see a new FEAB pop up in the RSS. Keep up the good work fellas.


  11. Beergeek 514 says:

    Please keep the FEAB coming!!! Amazing episode! Matt please talk Gordon Ramsey into doing Nerdist whilst at Hell’s kitchen!!!!