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FEaB 10: Matt’s Merkin Warehouse

Finally, here’s FEaB number 10, delayed here due to circumstances beyond our control. It’s the tenth show! There’s another one coming right around the bend. Productivity!

Art by Dana Lechtenberg, of course.

Why Jaime Lannister Sunk So Deep and His Chances of Surviving

Why Jaime Lannister Sunk So Deep and His Chances of Surviving

John Pinette, 1964-2014

John Pinette, 1964-2014

Joseph Gordon-Levitt to Star in Film Adaptation of Jim Henson’s FRAGGLE ROCK

Joseph Gordon-Levitt to Star in Film Adaptation of Jim Henson’s FRAGGLE ROCK



  1. Zuri says:

    Annie Edison Taylor age 63, to avoid going to the poorhouse was the first person to go over the falls in a barrel. She survived and lived to 82.

  2. Erick says:

    It’s about time! Pressing PLAY now!

  3. romtin says:

    yay! finally… pressing play now!

  4. What happened to the seven seconds between 1:00:05 and 1:00:12?
    Conspiracy! #YesLarryLovesYou

  5. Alec says:

    Well, at least the Nerdist page is up. The smodcast version just throws up a 502 Bad Gateway error.