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Fans Make SUPERNATURAL’s Mark Sheppard His Very Own Funko POP! Toy

Before the Supernatural panel started at Comic-Con, someone stepped onto the stage and put the Funko POP! figures of Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, and Castiel in front of the placards for the actors. Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins all had toys, but Mark Sheppard’s character Crowley hasn’t been turned into a vinyl figure just yet. A quick substitute was assembled from a paper cup, stir sticks, and foil, but the resemblance wasn’t quite there. Okay, not even close. Sheppard teased about the lack of a Crowley toy throughout the panel.

handmade crowley toy

He didn’t have to despair, though. Fans were on the case. Jen and John of EPBOT saw tweets about Sheppard’s little misfit toy and knowing they would see him the following weekend at a convention in Orlando, they decided to customize a vinyl figure and create Crowley. It didn’t matter that they’d never approached a project quite like this one before. They figured it out and produced this wicked Crowley toy in only three days. I love and admire their dedication.

crowley toy 1

Because the toy wasn’t enough, John made custom packaging to go with it to match the other boxes in Funko’s Supernatural line. Details, you guys. Wow. It looks like an official product, doesn’t it?

They presented Crowley to Sheppard at CONjure, and he took a picture with John and Jen (below) and has shared pics of the toy on Twitter.

Head over to EPBOT to read more about this incredibly cool custom Crowley toy. Fingers crossed that this helps motivate Funko to get a King of Hell figure out on the market.

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  1. Matt3k says:

    Wow that Crowley figure looks amazing!I am really looking forward to Castiel

  2. LakaFree says:

    That’s not the only Crowley Funko in existence. My friend made one last week. We have Gabriel, Bobby and Balthazar, all custom made.

  3. DWolf2k2 says:

    Whatev.  Call me for Badger.

  4. Steph says:

    Need a Lucifer one though! Even though he was only on it for a while,  so was Charlie and they made one of her! 😛 LUCIFER!!!!!

  5. Reanna says:

    I haven’t bought any but I would buy that one

  6. lauren says:

    Definetly a bobby come on

  7. lauren says:

    They should make crowley and they should also make their dad too. He might have been off the show for a while now but he started it all

  8. Jackie says:

    Yes!!  They have to sell them!  I need it to complete the set! 

  9. I need this!!!  And also a bobby?  

  10. Jessica B says:

    I need this!! I just posted about them needing to create a Crowley to accompany my set, as well as a Baby because no Supernatural set is complete without the Impala! 

  11. Brandie Dunham says:

    Oh man take my money right now!!!  But also I seriously need a Bobby one too.  Just those two characters and my life would be complete (in the POP Vinyl world) lol.

  12. D G Baker says:

    Where can I get one?  Take my money!!!

  13. Jedaqia says:

    Where can I get these toys? And what about Kevin version?

    • Hope says:

      Books A Million, at least in my city, and if you have a Vintage Stock around your area maybe (comic book shop or something)

  14. Theresa says:

    I want one. I have the rest. Supernatural is one of my all time favorites . We have all seasons on blu ray. Please let me know if this goes through .

  15. Good like one

  16. Id love one of thes dolls.i love the tv proglm.

  17. VeganVita says:

    Supernatural has the best fans EVER.

    • michelle says:

      I have always loved the “Musicalish” of my Supernatural Home. ( I tried to do this on my own but it said my POPUP was too small?) ???? Help if you can 

    • Boom says:

      I love SPN so much! can’t wait for season 10!!

  18. Beth says:

    Sick! I bet he was stoked that a fan went through all the trouble for him.