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We love Super Mario Makerread our glowing review of the game–and so does essentially everybody who has ever played it, but anybody who has spent time browsing the comments section of videos or articles about the game can tell you that people would love to see a Legend of Zelda version of the game, where players can make their own Hyrule-set, Super Nintendo-style RPGs starring Link.

Fan Justin Sink took the situation into his own hands and gave the people what they wanted: Zelda Maker, an alpha version of which you can download here. We know what you’re thinking: this is the type of thing that Nintendo is probably working on taking down this very second. Sink knows that, so he added an annotation to his video (above) that reads, “#ZeldaMaker will be changing it’s graphical style and name to the #LegendMaker before the next build to avoid a cease and desist.”

He also wrote about the game and its future in the video description, saying:

Zelda Maker (Temp) is a non-official project started by myself, which will allow players to create and share Legend of Zelda worlds of their own. Nintendo might cease and desist a project like this, so in time, when I’ve got the ability to change the sprites, I will do so, and I will also add things that Zelda games don’t have to make it a somewhat unique experience. Regardless, I won’t be acting like this isn’t going to be a Zelda (Maker?) clone, through and through. I’d just like to add some things that I think official Zelda games could use. This is a very early build of the game, and it does not represent what the final game will look like.

Let us know in the comments what you think of this project. Does the world really need Zelda Maker… or rather, Legend Maker? Will Nintendo protecting its intellectual property ruin this project?


HT: Kotaku
Featured image courtesy of Dream Mix

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