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Exclusive: Preview Gladiatorial Robotics Competition, BATTLEBOTS, Feat. Jessica Chobot!

Their world is fire and blood… or oil, that is. The wildly popular gladiatorial robotics competition, BattleBots, is returning to television, and it’s actually happening sooner than some of us realized. Sunday, June 21st, at 9pm EST on ABC, the shrapnel will fly in the BattleBox once more. This time around, audiences will be treated to the wonderful commentary stylings of veteran sports broadcaster Chris Rose. Chris will be joined at the desk by former UFC fighter Kenny Florian, who will provide color commentary for the matches. Celebrated sports anchor Molly McGrath will also be joining the team as our host for this trip into mechanical carnage and robotics skills. Down on the floor, watching through the plexiglass, will be sideline reporter Allison Haislip, and she will be accompanied by NASA engineer Bobak Ferdowski. Many will remember Ferdowski as the engineer that gained internet fame during the launch of the Mars rover, Curiosity, for being “that dude with the mohawk.”

Need more of a reason to be excited about this show? Well, then how about this: the panel of judges for each match will consist of former BattleBots competitor, and special effects artist, Fon Davis, astronaut Leland Melvin, and our very own Jessica Chobot!


We know Jess will do us proud as she sits in judgment of these creations of carnal delight. So be on the look out this coming weekend for the start of the summer’s most anticipated television event involving robots. We apologize to AMC’s Humans for any offense it may take to that statement.

Are you excited for return of BattleBots? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to catch Jess on the premiere, June 21st at 9pm EST on ABC!

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