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Exclusive: TEEN TITANS #10 Preview Reveals a Superhero Smackdown

Being a teenager is tough enough as it is. With raging hormones, changing bodies, and the emotional minefield that is high school, teens are bound to get into a few fights here and there. That goes doubly so for the superpowered teens of the DC Comics Universe. And like many teenaged fights, the one in DC Comics’ Teen Titans #10 is all about a boy. But it’s not about whether this particular boy likes someone or like likes someone; no, this fight is about whether Kon, a.k.a. Superboy, deserves to be brought to justice or whether he’s just misunderstood.

Accompanied by their new team, the Elite, Wonder Girl and Power Girl firmly believe that Kon needs to be apprehended and locked up, thrown in a dark dank cell. Red Robin and the rest of the Teen Titans, however, aren’t quite so hasty to throw their pal to the wolves, and so a superheroic smackdown ensues…right in the middle of Beast Boy’s father’s apartment. If you thought parent’s didn’t understand you when you were a teen, try gathering 10 of your metahuman friends and utterly destroying the place. Actually, on behalf of any parents out there, don’t; just read our exclusive preview of DC Comics instead.

Written by Will Pfeifer and illustrated by Kenneth Rocafort, Teen Titans #10 features a cover by Bengal and a special variant cover by Ben Caldwell. The issue hits store shelves on Wednesday, July 22.

Teen Titans 10 - Cover

Here’s the official synopsis:

“The hunt is over and the battle begins as Wonder Girl and Power Girl’s new team catches up with the Titans to bring Superboy to justice.”

Check out our complete preview in the gallery below.

Teen Titans #10 is available Wednesday, July 22.




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