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DOCTOR WHO is Way, Way Smaller on the Outside in ‘Flatline’ Teaser

Aww, now isn’t this just the cutest damn thing? It’s a pocket Doctor — the stuff of which dreams are made! Wouldn’t that just be the greatest? If you could carry the TARDIS with you wherever you go? The Doctor able to help at a moment’s notice (once you pulled him out of your bag, we mean. It’s important to store your Doctor in a cool, dry place!)? Outside of, you know, Doctor Who being a real and plausible thing, a Doc-on-the-Go is sorta the dream!

Lord knows why the Doctor has shrunk the TARDIS in Saturday’s new episode — titled “Flatline” — but he has for some very particular reason, sending Clara off to fend for herself with nothing but a bit o’ psychic paper and the sonic screwdriver to win the day.

Oh yeah and the Doctor has also co-opted Clara’s optic nerve thanks to a lil doo-hickey in the ear, but, y’know: she’s largely got to do all the heavy lifting here, regardless of how light the TARDIS might feel at the moment.

After last week’s “Mummy on the Orient Express,” which focused largely on a one-off baddie conundrum rather than the overarching story points surrounding the mysterious Missy and her so-called Heaven we’ve seen this season, we’re hopeful that “Flatline” provides a bit more context for the latter. Particularly because, well, we’re nearing the end of the season! And also because knowing things is fun.

But what do you think of the clip and this teeny, tiny Doctor? Leave us your thoughts in the comments (they can handle it — they’re bigger on the inside).

Image: BBC

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