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DIY Mini Wooden Crossbow is a Blast for Beginners

Say you find yourself in a Tyrion Lannister situation, but instead of being furious with another Lannister, you’re upset with a plastic Army man. Or maybe you’re looking for vengeance on one of those Castle LEGO knights who thinks he’s so great ’cause he has a castle. If this does sound like a familiar scenario for you, first of all please seek help, and second of all, check out this DIY mini wooden crossbow video. That way when the time comes, you can visit your little toy enemies unexpectedly while they’re in the privy.

The video, which centers around a build using “good ol’ lolli sticks,” was made by British YouTuber and DIY expert Mist8K. If you haven’t seen any of his videos, which focus on his motto of “Make Stuff/Science,” they’re definitely worth checking out. Especially if you’re interested in building a small armament of medieval war machines using household materials like rulers, rubber bands, and candy.

For the making of the mini wooden crossbow, which seems like one of Mist8k’s easier builds, all you’ll need are some lolli sticks (known as popsicle sticks by the yanks—although that should really change), scissors, glue, rubber bands, a small drill, a wooden clothing grip, and toothpicks. And although the estimated build time isn’t given, it’ll probably be shorter than the amount of time already spent on eating sweet cold treats for their endlessly useful lolli bones.


Once you’re good to go with your crossbow, you can adjust its power depending on how tightly the rubber band is wound. Or you can just sit back and marvel at a simple design, which, when executed properly, makes for an exceptionally potent machine, as well as the perfect way to teach those little LEGO knights a lesson about who’s really in charge of the drawbridge!

What do you think about Mist8k’s miniature medieval crossbow? Do you already have a tiny toy target in mind, or does serving up vengeance just leave a bad taste in your mouth? Let us know in the comments section below!

HT: Laughing Squid

Images: Mist8k

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