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Debating the ‘Real’ Issues at SXSW in Versus vs Versus

If you’re anywhere in the vicinity of Austin, TX you might be debating whether or not you should brave the crowds at SXSW. Sure there are a lot of people and sometimes you need a badge to get into some venues but trust that we, the Nerdist team, wouldn’t let you down and set up a pretty fantastic SXSW Saloon at Bangers with Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls and Geek & Sundry. Plus, you don’t need no stinkin badges to get in. So, should you go to SXSW if you’re in the area? The answer should be a definitive “Challenge Dan Casey to an eating contest.”

With that debate firmly settled (sorry, Dan) we turn to the real issues facing the world with a game show of sorts hosted by gaming editor Malik Forte. The game, Versus Vs Versus, pits some of the greatest minds in nerd-dom against each other with some rather… odd scenarios.

In this installment, Malik is joined by Andre “Black Nerd” Meadows and our very own Dan Casey to put to rest some of life’s greatest questions.

  • Who would have the better Snapchat feed: Superman or Batman?
  • Who would you rather have as a step-father: Super Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog?
  • What’s the sexiest Tetris piece?
  • What gaming franchise would you introduce your child to first: Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat?

Dan and Andre take the debate quite seriously and make some rather good points on the sides they take. Superman has potential for some amazing shots but can you beat billionaire baller status when it comes to snaps? Super Mario is a family man, has a steady job and seems to take care of your mom but can anything compete with a hedgehog dad? Is it more important to let kids know that life can be painful or that car-punching is a vital part of any geopolitical landscape?

When it came to the Tetris question, neither Dan or Andre jumped at the obvious answer. The sexiest Tetris piece is always the long, hard and straight 4 by 1 that looks just like a gorgeous… burrito.

Keep your eyes peeled for more Nerdist #SXSW fun and if you’re in the Austin area, come by and say hello! Dan will act like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about when you challenge him to an eating contest but ignore that, it’s just his way of intimidating you.

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