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DEADPOOL Gets Even More Violent in Extended Scene

If you were to say to me “Deadpool wasn’t THAT successful,” I would know one of two things: you are either a VERY sarcastic person, or you don’t read the internet on a daily basis. Deadpool has a very good chance of being the highest grossing superhero movie of 2016. It won multiple times at the MTV Movie Awards taped last night (it airs Sunday evening, so we won’t spoil anything here). One thing we WILL show is an exclusive extended scene from the movie, which adds a lot more to the training montage when Wade first becomes the Merc with a Mouth.

The video embed is being wonky. Apologies, but you can view it on MTV’s website here.

The highlights of this clip include Wade (Ryan Reynolds) getting his inspiration for his head gear from a luchadore mask at the bar. They also allude to the fact that Weasel (T.J. Miller) is much more instrumental in helping Wade find his targets, as Wade is going back and forth with the gold cards seen at the beginning of the movie (music fans, be on the look out for one of the cards. One of them may not have helped him find Ajax, but Deadpool must HATE a certain genre.) We also get a better look at Blind Al’s (Leslie Uggams) process for putting together Ikea furniture.

All in all, I think this clip would only have made an already awesome movie that much better.

Deadpool will be released on Blu-ray May 10.

So what do you think? Should they have kept everything from this scene in the movie? Let me know on Twitter or sound off in the comments below.


IMAGE: 20th Century Fox

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