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David Harbour Will Officiate a STRANGER THINGS Fan’s Wedding on 3 Conditions

We were both jealous and amazed when Stranger Things‘ David Harbour told a fan on Twitter he would take her high school senior photos with her if she got 25,000 retweets—a promise he recently came through on with wonderful results. And while we never imagined he could top this amazing display of good will, that’s exactly what he did this week by agreeing to officiate a fan’s upcoming wedding. Although it turns out the bigger the request the bigger the number of retweets it takes for him to show up… not to mention the sillier his demands for when he gets there.

This was the request made of Harbour, posted to Twitter on Monday.

The “price” for this request was five times as many retweets as last time, “creative control” of the project, and a very important piece of cake.

Truthfully, that’s not an unreasonable cost for a big Hollywood star to not only show up at, but to perform your wedding. (And it’s not like he’s asking for the whole cake!) And considering most readings at weddings are instantly forgettable, we’d rather see what he can come up with by way of a “love letter” of his choosing. As of this writing the original tweet only has 56,000 retweets, so go help Ericka out so we can get another amazing episode of Harbour doing something awesome for a fan.

We’d imagine ever since Harbour responded to the senior photo request he’s been inundated with more, so who knows what made this one stand out? It might have just been the luck of the internet draw, or this might be the most appealing offer someone made of him.

Or maybe, as the literal dictionary definition of the dad-bod, he just saw a chance for free cake. The main lesson is it never hurts to ask David Harbour to do something awesome.

What special occasion would you like David Harbour to show up and be a part of in your life? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured Image: Netflix

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