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Dark Horse Announces FIGHT CLUB 2 Maxiseries From Writer Chuck Palahniuk

Believe it or not, it has been fifteen years since David Fincher’s Fight Club was released in theaters, (eighteen years since the novel came out). Although a box office bomb at the time of its release, it has since become one of the most beloved cult films of all time, and seen by many as Generation X’ s Easy Rider or The Graduate-a film that defined a generation’s angst and unhappiness, or at least the males of that generation, and created a million internet usernames that used the name “Tyler Durden” in some form or combination.

Now, via an announcement in USA Today, the original novel’s author Chuck Palahniuk has formally confirmed that Fight Club 2 is coming, as a 10-issue Dark Horse Comics maxiseries illustrated by Cameron Stewart, debuting in May 2015. Palahniuk will be on a Fight Club panel with director David Fincher this coming Saturday at Comic-Con, so it seems the esteemed director of the movie will have something to do with the comic. Will he “executive produce” it, like Joss Whedon does for the Buffy Dark Horse books? Or will he simply give his blessing, and maybe pull strings so the comic can use the likenesses of  Brad Pitt and Ed Norton? Right now anything is possible.

Fight Club 2 apparently “takes place alternately in the future and the past. It picks up a decade after the ending of his original book, where the protagonist is married to equally problematic Marla Singer and has a 9-year-old son named Junior, though the narrator is failing his son in the same way his dad failed him.” Palahniuk will also bring back Project Mayhem, and we’ll see just what mayhem they’ve been causing in the years since the original story. The author also wants to give readers an insight into Tyler Durden’s “true origins,” which suggests the unnamed narrator is (possibly) not just crazy… but possessed?? Sounds like it to me: “Tyler is something that maybe has been around for centuries and is not just this aberration that’s popped into his mind.” According to series artist Cameron Stewart, Fight Club 2 “is as much a meta-fictional comment on the cultural response to Fight Club as it is a sequel.” I’m sure more info will be revealed at Comic-Con this weekend.

Below is the first artwork released from Dark Horse Comics for the project.


Are you excited for this sequel, Fight Club fans, or do you feel this was a classic that was better left alone? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. PCMan says:

    Actually, the book ended with the Narrator in a mental hospital, scared to death of being released because every now and then he would see orderlies with black eyes whisper to him “that the plan was going on as scheduled, Mr. Durden.”
    But in the end, it doesn’t matter. The book failed to have the response that the author wanted and the film did as well. 

  2. Rupert Cornelius says:

    I agree with the first two. I love the book and the movie, but this is a bad idea. Part of what worked was that it was a stand alone story. Also *spoilers* The Narrator died in the book. It was changed in the movie for a happy ending. At least this article was well researched @DearGawd

    • Carson says:

      This is incorrect. The movie had the darker ending. Norton’s character in the book lived on.

  3. Larry says:

    For the record, “Easy Rider” came out when Gen X was four (1969) and “The Graduate” when they were only two (1967). I’m sure you were thinking of the Boomers. Gen X was busy watching “The Blues Brothers”, “Ghost Busters”, and “The Terminator”.  Also, I guess after a couple poorly received recent efforts, graphic novels require less actual writing effort than real ones.

    • 23553 says:

      The point is that Fight Club is to Gen X as The Graduate and Easy Rider are to the Boomers

  4. DearGawd says:

    Hey let’s take a great idea and make it supernatural!  Is George Lucas involved with this in the background somewhere?

    • Illusion-XIII says:

      Interesting side note, if you read the books in the Darkly Dreaming Dexter series (upon which the TV show “Dexter” was originally based), the author did the same thing, pretty much stating that Dexter’s Dark Passenger was supernatural rather than psychological in origin.  I’m glad that the show didn’t take that route.

  5. Julie says:

    Sounds interesting. I’ve always wanted more of the story since reading the book and watching the movie so long ago. If it was a movie sequel I would be really worried… But it’s a graphic novel and I’m super excited about that