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Something that makes sense: getting three famous actors with great voices to make exciting new Broadway musicals.

Something that makes less sense: basing those musicals on the television shows Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and Stranger Things.

Which is exactly why The Late Late Show with James Corden did both, in another edition of their segment known as “Inappropriate Musicals,” with Corden being joined by theater veterans Alan Cumming and Jesse Tyler Ferguson to turn very un-musical TV into upbeat Broadway fodder.

And these are really inappropriate. Could you choose a Game of Thrones scene less okay for the upbeat, whimsical song “Winter is Coming” than the execution of Ned Stark? (This is also where I, a huge nerd, point out that you can’t have Ser Ilyn Payne be a big part of your musical since the Mad King had his tongue pulled out. You need a tongue to sing.)

Also, even though we can’t deny the lyrical genius of “Heisenberg,” we’re definitely sure that casting Corden as Tuco is too much of a stretch, in much the same way that the demogorgon from Stranger Things isn’t all that terrifying when it is prancing about the stage and delighting us with a fun song.

The last time Corden did this he was joined by Martin Short and Will Arnett to turn movies into unlikely musicals, but somehow this time the TV shows felt even less appropriate.

Maybe next time they can stay on Broadway and transform some sad plays into musicals, like Death of a Salesman and Medea. That would be fun.

What other TV show would have made for a really inappropriate musical? Tell us your best ideas in the comments below.

Images: CBS

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