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Cool the DREDD 2 Jets, Says Producer

The Dredd movie that came out in 2012 was nothing short of awesome for fans of the 2000 AD comics character… too bad it completely tanked at the U.S. box office. Still, since it gathered a hefty cult following thanks to Blu-ray and DVD, fans have been clamoring for a sequel. The man who played the frowny law enforcer, Karl Urban, also wants a sequel and has been on Twitter telling fans not to lose hope and to sign petitions and the like. He said discussions were happening!

All great, right? Except, there isn’t actually anything close to being made. On a recent episode of DweebCast, the film’s producer, Adi Shankar, told everybody to chill out, despite what Urban says.

“I’m going to tread lightly here. I feel like Karl made a small statement that got blown way out of proportion by news sites. Yeah there are conversations going on (about making Dredd 2), but I wouldn’t automatically go like, ‘Oh there’s conversations going on, so when’s the release date?’ When there’s no fucking script.”

He did say he’s certainly the main one “freaking out and leading the charge,” but there are more factors at play than merely wanting to do it. The first film was produced independently and distributed by different companies in the different global markets, meaning a sequel would need the go-ahead from each of the companies. That’s a bit of a pain, one would imagine.

So, don’t lose heart, Dredd fans, but don’t expect anything in the near future. In fact, a year ago on a Reddit AMA, Shankar said a sequel would never happen, so this is still a big improvement. Maybe start a petition for an Almost Human movie in the meantime.

HT: /Film

You can see the full interview below. Also below, you can tell is what you’d like from a Dredd sequel. Perhaps more wanton murder.

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TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

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  1. Jeff Edsell says:

    I want a sequel, but I don’t want it rushed. The first film was great, and as much as I want a follow-up, I’d rather it take a while and also be great, rather than having it next year and be lousy.

  2. Supermonkey says:

    Weird dude. But he definitely makes some awesome stuff.

  3. satori says:

    I would *love* it if they did the Judge child series in a film, that was a pretty great story, and it did a good job of exploring the Cursed Earth. Second, and more importantly, they *should not* make anything with Judge Death in it… sure he’s bad ass, and it’s a bit of a scary concept, but they’d lose a lot of their audience going that route I think, only die-hards are going to be into seeing Judge Death.

  4. Jordan says:

    All due respect to Shankar but if anyone is gonna be the reason we get a sequel it will be Urban! I think he underestimates Urban’s influence… If Vin Diesel can get another 5th Riddick movie made I’m sure there is hope for Dredd 2.