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Gaming Daily: New GEARS OF WAR Title Will Be At E3

The juggernauts are finally starting to flex their muscles for their big E3 showings. Just this morning, we finally got confirmation that Fallout 4 is in the works. With Bethesda planning on having their own conference this year, it’s a safe bet that more of the game will be shown off sooner rather than later. If we are lucky, it may even be playable. Even thinking about the possibilities sends shivers down my spine.  Fortunately, that wasn’t the only big news coming out today, as we also got more information on the nostalgia inducing Mighty No. 9. The new trailer accompanying the news got me embarrassingly giddy. But thankfully, there’s even more news for the day. In today’s Gaming Daily: the new Gears of War title will be at E3 this year in some form, Microsoft has detailed how to get your hands on a ticket for the E3 Xbox FanFest, and Ultra Street Fighter IV fixes are now available. Is this how I “just do it” Shia?


Black Tusk confirms new Gears of War will be at E3 in some form.

Black Tusk is no more. Don’t freak out though, only the name has been relinquished. Rod Fergusson, head of the studio formerly known as Black Tusk, announced that the name The Coalition has now been adopted. In the message announcing the name change, Rod clarified that the christening is simply so the studio can be more easily associated with the brand name that is Gears of War. More importantly though, he also mentioned that their newest title will be at E3.

Straight from the message:

“Speaking of Gears of War, we’re getting close to E3, where we will share more on what’s next for Gears of War. Specifically, Gears fans should be sure to tune in to Xbox Daily: LIVE @ E3, on Monday June 15 at 4PM Pacific to see what we’re working on.”

His wording could simply mean that they’ll just be discussing the title, but there’s absolutely no way they won’t show even a tiny bit of what they have been working on. It’s the biggest stage of the year for these companies, so teasing something inconsequential wouldn’t be in their best interest. At the very minimum fans would be hugely disappointed. If rumors are proven to be correct, two Gears of War games will be at E3 this year. The second being the remaster of the foremost title in the franchise.



Be one of the 500 people to get a ticket for Xbox E3 FanFest.

I got some good news and some bad news. First the good news: Microsoft has finally revealed the plans for distributing the 500 tickets available to their E3 Xbox FanFest that will give you clearance to their conference, show floor, and even a party. That means there’s a chance you’ll get to check out the newest Gears of War installment. As for the bad news, in order to get your hands on the (golden) ticket, you will have to wait in line outside a Microsoft store located at Westfield Century City in Los Angeles. You can start lining up at 10 p.m. PST on Saturday June 13. If you are there, you will get exactly one ticket.

I’m no psychic, but it’s going to get ugly– like Walmart on Black Friday ugly. So if you have the aspirations to attend the major event, now is your chance to have a great experience. Hopefully, there will be less chaos with the stub distribution than I predict, but my hopes aren’t too high on that being the case.



Ultra Street Fighter IV patch currently rolling out.

If you are like myself, then you were extremely disappointed when the release of Ultra Street Fighter IV on the PS4 didn’t go so well. Minor blemishes can be forgiven during the launch of games these days, but the damage was so bad that even Capcom pulled the fighter out of their Pro Tour. The company stated that they were working on some quick fixes last week, and as they promised, a patch is being rolled out right now.

Here is the laundry list of mends being applied to the game:

  • Reduce interface lag within menus
  • Addressed disappearing projectiles
  • Fixed Decapre’s teleport animation
  • Fixed Rolento’s audio glitch (during victory screen)
  • Fixed missing SFX for Red Focus attack
  • Fixed Akuma’s stomp SFX not playing
  • Addressed bottom portion of the ON/OFF text being cutoff under the graphics settings in the Options menu
  • Removed extra character ¦ that was sometimes displayed in Leaderboards at the end of a player’s name even if they have not set it to be there
  • Fixed issue when seeking an Arcade match-up with LAN cabled disconnected and then starting up training results in a message ID being displayed
  • Addressed Online IDs not appearing correctly
  • Addresses issue when changing the HP bar’s HUD position in Options, the Online ID HUD position does not move with it and is displayed at the default position
  • Anisotropic Filtering (AF) changes to decrease blur
  • Fixed appearance of white box after backing out of a command list menu
  • Addressed Fight Request issue in Arcade Mode

I suspect more bugs will rear their ugly faces still and maybe some caused by this patch, but at least Capcom is doing something about it. I’m still upset that they would treat one of their premier franchises with such carelessness. These issues were almost game breaking, so I find it hard to believe that they didn’t know the state of their own title before release.


What an utterly mind blowing day it has been. From one announcement to the next, it has been non-stop, full-throttle ahead. I, for one am loving it, and I know that things are only going to be heating up as we get closer to E3. Make sure to platform your way down to the comments section below and let us know what you thought of the Fallout 4 reveal.

[HT: Featured image courtesy of deviantArt // artist: Grafik]





TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

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