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Comic Book Club: J.K. Woodward

The artist of IDW’s smash hit Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who stops by, and talks about why drawing the Borg is easier than drawing Cybermen. Hint: it’s a series of tubes.

The Stack: Scalped #60, Amazing Spider-Man #692, Justice League #12, Avenging Spider-Man #11

Week in Geek:

– Are the Wachowskis directing Justice League?

– What’s up with Rob Liefeld’s Twitter meltdown? You guys?

Check out our website at to find out how to watch the show live! And follow us on Twitter: @comicbooklive, @azalben, and @jtsizzle.

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What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

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The Funniest, Silliest Courtroom Scenes from Film and Television

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How Does CatDog Poop?



  1. Alex says:

    Thanks Monica and Jake! You guys rock.

  2. Jake says:

    Sorry I haven’t been commenting lately, I’ve been really busy but I’ve finally caught up on the episodes I’ve missed… amazing as usual.

  3. Monica says:

    I love JK Woodword