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Claim a New Legendary in POKÉMON SUN and MOON Right Now

Claim a New Legendary in POKÉMON SUN and MOON Right Now

Back in February, we got word about our first new Pokémon in a while: The Pokémon Company shared images of Magearna, a legendary creature that would feature in Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel, the latest Pokémon movie. Magearna is the titular mechanical marvel, and the first Generation VII (Pokémon Sun and Moon) Pokémon to be revealed to the public, and now, it can be yours in the game.

That said, you may not be able to claim your Magearna just yet: It’s currently only available to players who have completed the Sun and Moon campaign and have therefore unlocked the QR scanner feature. Once you’re at that point, scan the code below, and from there, head to Hau’oli City, zero in on the Antiquities of the Ages shop, and there should be a deliveryman inside ready to hand you your new legendary Pokémon. If that description isn’t painting as colorful a picture as you need, watch and follow along with the video below so there’s no doubt about how to get your Magearna.


Magearna is a Steel/Fairy-type Pokémon, according to the game’s mythology, was created 500 years ago and presented to a king’s daughter as a gift. Its Pokédex entry in Moon further explains, “Its mechanized body is merely a vessel. Its true self is its Soul-Heart, an artificial soul.” Like many other legendaries, it has a base stat total of 600, and it has a diverse learnset, meaning it can learn a variety of moves via either leveling up or via TM use.

To learn more about Magearna, watch Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel, which premieres today on Disney XD, the new home for all Pokémon episodes.

Curious about SUN and MOON Hacks? We’ve got you covered:

Featured image: The Pokémon Company

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