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We Got a First Look at Captain Marvel’s MCU Costume!

One of Marvel’s biggest heroines is heading to the MCU, and her name is Captain Marvel! While we’re likely to see Brie Larson make her debut as Carol Danvers in next year’s Avengers: Infinity War, it may be some time before we finally see Danvers suit up for Captain Marvel’s solo film. However, the Nerdist team was at Marvel Studios’ open house this week, and today’s Nerdist News is all about our early look at the Captain Marvel costume and concept artwork!

Captain Marvel In Pursuit of Flight

Join host, and Kree sleeper agent, Jessica Chobot, as she gets the scoop from our Editor-in-Chief Rachel Heine, and Senior Editor Dan Casey. According to Rachel, the Captain Marvel suit does take its inspiration from the costume currently worn in the comics by Carol Danvers. That said, it appears to be more like form-fitting armor than spandex. It also seems to favor functionality over aesthetics. For example, Captain Marvel’s signature sash will be more like a utility belt. However, the iconic eight-sided star is intact, as are the red, blue, and gold colors.

Captain Marvel 1 Alpha Flight

While at the event, Rachel and Dan also saw another piece of Captain Marvel art that featured the heroine taking on a Kree Sentry. This suggests that at least a few parts of Carol’s comic book origin will remain intact. It also raises a few questions about the post Infinity War landscape. Has Thanos’ incursion led to more alien races staking their claim on Earth?

Are you eager to see Brie Larson wearing the iconic Captain Marvel costume? Let’s discuss in the comment section below, and don’t miss all of our coverage from Marvel’s Open House!

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