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Candice Patton Confirms All Three Scarlet Speedsters to Appear on THE FLASH Season 2

The new season of CW’s The Flash is already looking to dive deep into the show’s comic book mythology more than ever before. We already know that Jay Garrick, the Flash of Earth-2 (and who, if we’re talking comics, was the first hero to call himself the Flash) is set to make an appearance early on in the season, and we also know that actor Keiynan Lonsdale has been cast as Wally West. In the comics lore, West becomes Flash’s sidekick Kid-Flash, and then eventually takes the mantle of the Flash himself for the better part of twenty-five years.

Now actress Candice Patton, who plays Barry Allen’s friend and sometimes love interest Iris West on the series, has revealed that fans won’t have to wait long to see her nephew Wally as a speedster. Patton pretty much confirmed what most fans have been guessing ever since Wally’s casting was announced this weekend during her panel at Wizard World Nashville, where she said the following:

Wally is coming. Keiynan Lonsdale who’s been cast to play him is a great Australian actor. We’re really excited to have him. He’s not there yet so we don’t know much about what kind of role Wally will take in season 2, but I’m sure it’ll be good. We’ll end up having three Flashes on one season, which is really amazing, if you think about it. Jay, Barry Allen, and Wally West.”

From the sound of it, we could have all three comic book Flashes running alongside one another by season’s end. (Yes, I know there were technically four Flashes, but no one really counts the one year Bart Allen a.k.a. Impulse was aged up and became the Flash, do they? We’ve all done our best to forget that ever happened.) We’ll also be getting female speedster Jesse Quick on the show this year, meaning we’ll be getting a full range of super-fast metahumans, not just those who wear the lightning insignia. Can Max Mercury be far behind? Pretty soon, the CW might need to rename this show Flashes.

The Flash season 2 premieres on Tuesday, October 6 on the CW.


IMAGE: DC Comics

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