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FLASH Season One Deleted Scene Shows Snarky Reference to Aquaman

Despite being a founding member of the Justice League of America, and being one of the heroes chosen to be on the Super Friends cartoon in the ’70s and ’80s, therefore making him a household name to millions of people who have never picked up a comic book, Aquaman is still often the butt of the joke. This is partially because the very same Super Friends show that made him a known character to millions of kids, also decided to forget that Aquaman was almost as strong as Superman and ruled 75% of the world. Instead, he was the guy who could get a school of tuna fish to plug a hole in a boat, while Superman punched asteroids and Wonder Woman lassoed a dragon.

DC has spent the better part of the last twenty-five years trying to fix Aquaman’s image, first in comics like the ones from writer Peter David in the ’90s, and later Geoff Johns’ more recent run on the character for DC’s New 52 reboot. And then there’s the fact that Warner Brothers just cast Jason Momoa as Aquaman for their DC Cinematic Universe, and you don’t get more badass-looking than that. And yet, even in official DC product, like the CW Flash show for instance, there are still digs at Aquaman as a lame-o character whose only power is “to talk to fish.”

When The Flash’s first season hits Blu-ray and DVD on Sept. 22, fans will get to see a reference to Aquaman from the series premiere that was cut — Barry Allen’s foster dad, detective Joe West (Jesse L. Martin), makes a snarky reference to Barry going off to a place called Amnesty Bay to investigate “a guy who can talk to fish.” The scene could have been cut for time, or maybe series producer and DC Comics CCO Geoff Johns decided enough was enough with the Aquaman jokes already. Or maybe they didn’t want to tease an Aquaman appearance that may or may not happen on The Flash (although, if there can be separate Flashes for TV and movies, why can’t we get two Aquamen? Pretty please?)

You can watch the scene in question below, and remember, The Flash hits home video on September 22, and season two begins on the CW on Tuesday, October 6th.


IMAGE: Comic Vine

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