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THE FLASH Season 1 Deleted Scenes are Chockablock with Winks and Nods

The Flash Season 1 is out on Blu-Ray and DVD this week, and it features several deleted scenes from the series that are sure to excite you for season 2 while simultaneously making you nostalgic for season one. And we’ve got them all right here, right now.

In one of the most memorable deleted scenes from the first season, Detective Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) confronts Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) after he had been exposed as Eobard Thawne, a.k.a. the Reverse-Flash. This scene actually goes a long way towards fleshing out Wells’ motivation to get back to the future as West tells him in no uncertain terms what will happen to him if Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is hurt by Wells’ dangerous plan to change the past.

Another deleted scene from The Flash was released earlier this week, featuring an overt nod to Aquaman. But that was just a taste for the other deleted scenes on the season 1 set. In the next clip, Barry has a brief encounter with Iris (Candice Patton) in the pilot episode right after her father tells Barry to keep The Flash a secret from her.

In a scene from the tenth episode of the season, Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) talks about her lost fiancé, Ronnie Raymond.

Although Iris eventually figured out Barry’s secret for herself, another deleted scene indicates that Barry wanted to bring her into The Flash’s inner circle before that happened.

Next up are two deleted scenes between Caitlin and Barry from the 21st episode of the season. The first one reveals who feeds the inmates at S.T.A.R. labs!

And in the second scene, Barry and Caitlin have a bonding moment near the end of the episode.

The penultimate episode of the season also had a lost tag scene that depicted Barry’s arrival to the past moments after the Reverse-Flash arrived to kill his younger self. TWIST!

And finally, Barry has a heartfelt conversation with Cisco (Carlos Valdes) from the first season finale.

Flash fans, what did you think about these deleted scenes? Enter the speed force and share your opinions below!

HT: Comic Book Movie
Image Credit: The CW/Warner Bros. TV

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