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BREADY MADE Will Make Your Eggs and Toast Super Fun

Whether you call them boiled eggs and soldiers, eggs-in-a-basket, or toad-in-a-hole, eggs and toast can get kind of boring if you have it too often. A new Kickstarter is about to bring some fun back to breakfast! Bready Made is a sort of a cookie cutter for your toast, which allows you to create different shapes. You can form those shapes into animals and cook the egg inside, as you can see in the adorable cat breakfast below.


The creation comes to us from Monkey Business & Avihai Shurin, who are looking for $6,200 for the project. As of the time of this writing, it was at just under $2,000 with 33 days to go. The idea came out of the fact that kids love both breakfast and animals and are sometimes picky little jerks who don’t eat their food after you’ve slaved over the stove, trying to make them something healthy–ahem. Really, it was just the first part with the animal thing, as you can see in the video below.

The estimated retail price is $12 according to the Kickstarter page. The rewards are mostly just getting the Bready Made before anyone else, but isn’t the reward really getting to make kitty cats with your food? The cutter works best with a thick slice of bread and will cut it into six, differently-shaped pieces that you can craft into your own creations. (You can see some ideas in the gallery below.) It’s also certified food grade, BPA free and dishwasher safe.The Kickstarter page will give you a look at the process of creation if you’re interested in that sort of thing. They also mention other names for eggs and toast, including “gashouse eggs”, “a hole in one”, “spit in the ocean” and “Popeye eggs.” Gashouse eggs? Who says that? That does not sound appetizing.

Whatever you call them, we bet you’re about to head out to a diner to get your breakfast fix on. Tweet me/us @JennaBusch/@Nerdist to let us know what you think. Also, tell us what you call them. If you do indeed call them “gashouse eggs,” will you please explain why? Seriously, why?


HT: Kickstarter
Image credit: Monkey Business


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