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Episode 46: Big Pop Fun
Lyle Kanouse

Big Pop Fun #46: Lyle Kanouse

Lyle Kanouse is an actor, singer, and coach, and we talk about Texas football, Vitamin packs, and script reading.

Top 7 Uses of David Bowie Songs in Movies

Top 7 Uses of David Bowie Songs in Movies

Why Ahsoka Tano Deserves Her Own STAR WARS Comic

Why Ahsoka Tano Deserves Her Own STAR WARS Comic

Exclusive: ROBOCOP: THE LAST STAND #6 Preview

Exclusive: ROBOCOP: THE LAST STAND #6 Preview



  1. Ryan says:

    I don’t see a lot of comments for this podcast and it is a shame because I am a huge BPF fan. Keep it up Tom I love the interviews and love your podcast!