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AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Fan Trailer Has Heroes Ready to Fight, Without a Plan

If you thought it was crazy how many superheroes were crammed into Captain America: Civil War, how nuts is Avengers: Infinity War going to be? When part one is released in 2018 it will be the culmination of 10 years of work from Marvel. That’s a decade of building a massive team capable of taking on Thanos in a battle for the universe itself. It promises to be the most epic war ever waged in superhero cinematic history.

So hopefully by then they can all agree on a plan of action. That much is clear after watching this fan-made trailer from the folks at Screen Rant, which pieced together clips from all across the MCU to get us pumped for the ultimate showdown over infinity stones. They even included some heroes we have yet to officially meet, like Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange and Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel.

Of course, while most of the team already know about each other and what each one of them are capable of, the only members familiar with Thanos himself, the Guardians of the Galaxy team, will still need to get acquainted with earth’s protectors.

And that’s when the real problems could start, because following the trailer we get a very funny bonus scene that imagines what might happen if Peter Quill tries to take on a leadership role and convince everyone to listen to his plan. Well, part of a plan. And if he thought Rocket could be a sarcastic jerk, wait until he meets Tony Stark.

Infinity War doesn’t hit theaters until May 4th, 2018, so hopefully that gives the Avengers enough time to figure out how to actually work together.

Who do you think would be the hero to lead the team against Thanos? Explain your choice in the comments below.

Images: Marvel

Now, let’s talk about the actual plot rumors for INFINITY WAR:

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