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New CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Trailer Revisits Past Friction Between Cap and Tony

In just a few weeks, 2016’s other epic superhero showdown will arrive in theaters when Captain America: Civil War rips the Marvel Cinematic Universe in two between Team Iron Man and Team Captain America. And in the latest trailer for Civil War, Marvel is revisiting the shared history of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.

While Marvel’s comic book universe had decades of stories to draw upon when Captain America and Iron Man fought in the first Civil War crossover, their cinematic counterparts don’t have the same level of familiarity with each other. In the comics, Stark and Rogers are friends, but they barely know each other in their live-action incarnations. And frankly, the MCU’s Cap and Iron Man don’t seem to like each other very much.

During Joss Whedon’s first Avengers movie, Cap and Iron Man almost came to blows before the conveniently timed assault on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Helicarrier forced them to put aside their differences. And in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Cap and Iron Man actually did fight with each other during Stark’s attempt to bring the Vision to life.

Despite that friction, Stark seemed to be hurt in the earlier Civil War trailers when he told Cap, “I was your friend.” Underneath his dickish behavior, Stark may have considered himself to be closer to Cap than he actually was.

Captain America: Civil War will be released on May 6.

What did you think about the latest Civil War trailer? And are you Team Cap or Team Iron Man? Pick a side in the comment section below!


Image Credit: Marvel Studios

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