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THE AVENGERS Are One Big Happy Family With FULL HOUSE Style Opening Credits

Whatever happened to predictability?
The milkman, the paperboy, the lack of supernatural beings from other worlds constantly attacking earth, requiring a team of superheroes to save the planet from destruction?

If you thought it was extremely weird but wholly wonderful when someone gave Rogue One a Friends style trailer then you are definitely going to love this Full House inspired opening sequence for The Avengers. That’s right, instead of Danny, Joey, and Uncle Jesse, this big lovable group is led by Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America. And the superhero team (which in many ways is a super family when you really think about it) even has their own Olsen to make things extra legit.

This was put today by YouTube user Zach Ace, using footage from the Marvel movies and their behind-the-scenes gag reels, and before you start complaining that you don’t know half of the lyrics in the song, that’s because he used the full, original version of ‘Everywhere You Look” that Full House had in season one before cutting it in half.

If you didn’t know that version existed we apologize for ruining your day and making you question everything you thought you knew about the world.

This unusual crossover reminds of us that great Full House episode though, the one where D.J. and Stephanie went to war over Kimmy Gibbler. Wait, no, that never happened, that was Captain America: Civil War. We have no idea why this exists. But who cares? These weird, seemingly illogical mash-ups are great and we love them. Now we just need someone to make a Doctor Strange trailer set to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song.

Which Avenger would you fill each Full House role with? Give us your crossover casting in the comments below.

Image: Marvel



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