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Yoda Sings About Seagulls and Backpacks in New Bad Lip Reading Video

Sure, The Empire Strikes Back might be the greatest Star Wars film, but you may have missed its biggest contribution to the canon: a song sung by Yoda about getting besieged by seagulls and serving as a backpack while other people do calisthenics.

The good folks from Bad Lip Reading went back to review George Lucas’ footage and unearthed a shockingly informative ditty from the Jedi Master which needs to be seen to be believed. While it sucks that Yoda had to be attacked by those seagulls and suffered the indignity of being laughed at by children, his cowbell style beat-up break-down on R2-D2 is something that even LCD Soundsystem would be on board with.

Bad Lip Reading has been doing some incredible work this year, especially throughout the election, which makes sense because politicians have always been their bread and butter. These videos are still the product of a Texan anonymous video creator, and someday, Great One, when we know your name, we want to give you all the high-fives.

Also, check out Bad Lip Reading’s The Empire Strikes Back video from last year, which features a quick glimpse at this song — and also makes us want to see a lot of other bits from this expanded into full songs.

So check out this “Blurred Lines”-style addition to a galaxy far, far away but still full of seagulls with “Seagulls! (Stop It Now)” and tell us whether this is as funny as we think it is or if this is just too weird for anyone to adore. Is Yoda a fantastic storyteller/backpack or should Bad Lip Reading folks stick to bringing down the Empire?

Image: YouTube/Bad Lip Reading and LucasFilm

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