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Artist Brings CANDYLAND To Life In The Form Of Giant Floor Installations

Admit it-when you were a little kid playing the Candyland boardgame with your friends, you wished it was a real place, where you could eat your surroundings till your little heart was content, and somehow get points, and not diabetes. Well, no one’s made a life size replica of Candyland yet (give it time, somebody will make a theme park some day) but an artist from Australia by the name of Tanya Schultz, who also was one half of the artist duo named Pip & Pop, has taken the Candyland inspiration to a whole new level.

Schultz uses a combination of candy, glitter, sand, toys, beads, and any other kind of bright colorful object she can find to create rainbow colored, intricately designed floor installations. These candy landscapes with purple peaks and pastel valleys all look kind of like something Lisa Frank dreamed up to put on the cover of a Trapper Keeper in 1988, or that Rainbow Brite might be comfortable hanging out in. All it’s missing are some cute baby tigers and frolicking unicorns.

The artistic duo of Pip & Pop actually started back  in 2007, as a collaboration between Tanya Schultz and another artist, Nicole Andrijevic. In 2011, Andrijevic left the duo to go her own way artistically, while Schultz has continued to create these huge candy colored installations, both on her own as a solo artist, as well as collaborating with others. You can still see the duo’s art from Pip & Pop at their website here, and you can check out our gallery of Schultz’ most recent solo installation pieces below:


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