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Amy Jo Johnson Just Pranked the New POWER RANGERS at a Press Junket

As pranks go, this is one of the nicer ones. Via EW, we learned that original Pink Ranger (“original” to U.S. audiences, anyway) Amy Jo Johnson posed as a reporter in order to get in the room with the new Power Rangers movie cast. Lacking even a Clark Kent-level disguise, and looking, as the new generation pointed out, like she hasn’t aged since doing Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in the ’90s, Johnson had her cover blown instantly. But the younger actors were suitably impressed, and clearly respected their predecessor.

In the process, we learn a tiny bit about the new movie. Actors Naomi Scott, Ludi Lin, and Dacre Montgomery are cognizant of the appeal to kids and their status as potential role models, which implies the movie may not be as dark and brooding as the trailers so far have indicated. And while Johnson expresses envy that these Rangers apparently have super powers even when not in costume, Scott hedges a bit, and says she’ll have to see the movie. Also, who knew Scott had an English accent? (Don’t answer that. Of course some of you did.)

Johnson’s visit goes a long way towards suggesting that old and new fans can put aside their differences and get along, since the actors certainly can. Unless she’s just setting us up for a Turbo-style heel turn in the next video? This Pink Ranger has taken on a newer generation before.

Who do you think would win if Rangers old and new needed to use Megazord power against each other? Ai-yi-yi! Sound off in comments.

Image: Amy Jo Johnson

This guy would probably win.

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