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ALIEN-Themed Maternity Photos Are Chestbursting with Joy

Here’s something we thought we’d never see until at least the year 2122: A couple posing for their maternity pictures, with a chestburster from Alien punching its way out of the expectant mother’s belly like a… chestburster.

The photos, which come via Bored Panda, were the idea of Todd and Nicole Cameron, two Nanaimo, BC residents who have a serious thing for perfectly nailing movie-inspired, life-milestone cosplay. They’ve thrown a The Big Lebowski-themed 40th birthday party for Nick, and they even had a Back to the Future-themed wedding.

But for their maternity pictures —  taken by wedding photographer Li Carter, a.k.a. happysqueak — the pair really knocked things up a notch by including perhaps the scariest baby monster from all of cinema; you know, the one that should be admired for its purity. “A survivor, unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.”

The pair obviously had an enormous amount of fun taking the pictures, which slowly evolve from normal maternity photos into a remake of the nightmare scene aboard the Nostromo, and then finally into some simple pictures of a proud papa and mama and their disgusting little worm-alien-horror child.

Incidentally, do you know all about the Xenomorph life cycle? ‘Cause you may want to know what this kid’s prom pictures are going to look like.

What do you think about these wild Chestburster-infused maternity pictures? Would you ever be so bold as to have this much gore in any one of your milestone photo shoots? Burst out with your thoughts in the comments below!

Featured image: 20th Century Fox 

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