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Adele Went Undercover as an Adele Impersonator

For me, and I’m sure many of you, Adele is a singer whose image is that of a strong role model type (apart from the odd drunk text message), a relatively private person known first and foremost for her music. But during a recent BBC special that aired in the UK, she showed off her jokester side by appearing in a hilarious sketch for Graham Norton, as a soft-spoken lady named Jenny: full time nanny and part time Adele impersonator. Yes, this is a thing that happened.

In the video, Jenny explains that she’s been performing as Adele for four years, and that bookings “have been a bit slow recently” due to “not much demand.” Norton seems sympathetic, and both of them are fantastic in their deceitful performances. For this unique transformation, Adele adorned a wig, prosthetic chin and nose, and spoke in a deeper register. She managed to fool the genuine Adele impersonators, who were auditioning for a fictitious pilot program at the Wimbledon Theater, so the prank was a success. However, the moment she started to sing “Make You Feel My Love”, following a hilarious bout of fake nerves, the room became hysterical as they started to clue in.

This sketch was part of an hour-long special celebrating Adele’s achievements, called Adele at the BBC, and it aired on the same day that her third album, 25, dropped.

What do you think of Adele’s impersonation? Does it endear her to you even more? Reach out to me on Twitter, or make a comment below.

HT: Vulture


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