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The 6 GAME OF THRONES Theories You Need for Season 7!

The new season of Game of Thrones is almost upon us, which means that winter is here! And before the cold weather and White Walkers hit Westeros, it’s time to prepare for the show’s endgame. With only seven episodes this season and six episodes for the final season, the clock is winding down to resolve the remaining mysteries of George R.R. Martin’s fantasy epic. Today’s Nerdist News is taking a look at the six Game of Thrones theories you need to know for the seventh season. Valar Morghulis!

Join host and distant Stark relation, Jessica Chobot, as she runs down some of the potential outcomes and their larger implications. Perhaps the most pressing issue deals with the prophecies around Azor Ahai and “the prince that was promised.” The smart money is on Jon Snow, the man who returned from the dead and rose to become the new King in the North. But Jon has a tendency to get himself into some tight spots, so he’s not the only candidate for the role.

Jon Snow Game of Thrones Season 7

The second theory is also among the most intriguing: who gets to kill Cersei Lannister? While it would be a great twist for the Mad Queen to retain her throne, her death has been prophesied in the novels. Cersei seems destined to die at the hands of her younger brother, and we don’t mean Tyrion! Remember, Jaime is technically a few minutes younger than his twin, plus he’s already got experience with regicide.

Last season established that Bran Stark’s visions can actually affect the past, which has led to the idea that he may actually be Bran the Builder, the legendary creator the Wall. Within that world, there’s apparently some debate as to whether Bran the Builder was only a myth or legend, but we think that there’s a good chance that the Bran of the present may fulfill the destiny of  the past.

Two of the remaining theories would change the game forever. Can you picture weaponized Greyscale and dragons under the control of someone other than Daenerys? There is also some talk of Lord Varys being a merman, but we blame Dan Casey for that!

Which theories fire up your dragon blood? Let us know in the comment section below!

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