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13 Scary Pop Culture Moments From Our Childhood!

Happy Nerdoween everybody! It’s no secret that Halloween is our favorite time of year at the Nerdist offices, so on today’s Nerdist News, Jessica Chobot is inviting you all to her spooky All-Hallows-Eve party. So put on a costume and grab some punch—if you dare!

We’re celebrating by asking our staff what moments from movies and television scared them the most when they were little kids. Whether it’s from the most blood-curdling gorey horror film, or an innocuous childhood character that just gave us the heebie jeebies, the Nerdist Team are gonna tell you what gave them nightmares well into their college years, or even to this very day!

For the completists out there, here are the costumes as they appear on screen:

Jessica Chobot as Julie Newmar’s Catwoman
Rachel Heine, Editor-in-Chief, as Alice
Ben Mekler as Toon Squad Player #07, or Michael Jordan, or “Regular Ben Mekler”
Alicia Lutes, Managing Editor, as Imperator Frizzle-osa
Dan Casey as Holiday Pizza
Matt Caron as O.G. Mad Max
Jess Lane as Jane Lane
Matt Grosinger as “King Jeffy”
Jesse McKeil as Barnacle Boy
Nicholas the Intern as a better King Joffrey
Brian Compton as Bane
Jordan Epstein as Boxy Wonder Woman
Mike Shaw as Godzilla
Kyle Hill as Colossal Titan (“Call me Meat Man!” – Kyle Hill)
And Batman Bust as Desert Steampunk Bat-fleck

Thanks for watching today’s episode! Thanks to Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse for sponsoring today’s episode! Let us know in the comments what scared you the most when you were a little kid, and tell us who you’re being for Halloween!

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