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Rank Your Favorite MCU Movies with This Easy Quiz

Which MCU movie is better: The Winter Soldier or The Incredible Hulk? That’s super easy, right? But what about the first Thor or Doctor Strange? Spider-Man: Homecoming or Age of Ultron? Where would you put Infinity War on the list? Is it even the best Avengers movie? With 19 Marvel films and so little separating many of them in terms of quality, trying to rank all of them is a daunting, possibly impossible task since you could make one today and have it be very different than one you might make in a week. Fortunately there’s now a website that will help you put together your very own rankings with a simple quiz that pits every film head-to-head. Though whether or not you will be happy with the results is up for debate.

Twitter user Chuck Skoda put together this handy, direct questionnaire that asks you to repeatedly choose between two MCU films by answering “which would you rather watch right now?” That’s it, and in just a minute or two you’ll have your own list. But while lots of them will probably be obvious, like Guardians of the Galaxy vs. Iron Man 2, it’s amazing how many of them feel like having to split the Frost Giant baby in half. Here’s what I ended up with.

With the exception of my top and bottom three I think I hate my own list. For example I love the first Captain America and have no idea how it ended up so low, let alone how Homecoming is even lower. I just spent two months watching Peter Parker every day on cable! Ooooh, that could be the problem. This is about which MCU movie I’d most want to see right now. Maybe if I had just watched The Avengers on repeat I’d be tired of it and it would come in lower for me.

As strange as it sounds, and even though it tears apart the internet every time we do it, I think I’d rather try ranking these with other people. At least that way I’d have someone else to blame for the list being all wrong.

We want you to take the test yourself and then share which results shocked you the most in our comments section below.

Featured Image: Marvel

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