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Listen to a Supercut of Every Weird Noise Michael Jackson Made in His Music

Believe it or not, it’s been nearly six years since we lost music legend Michael Jackson. But while Michael may be gone, his music more than just lives on, it thrives. Every single contemporary R&B or pop artist has been influenced by his legacy in some way.

But let’s be careful not to sugarcoat the past too much here; it’s okay to admit that Michael was more than just a tiny bit weird. And no, I’m not just talking about all the obvious stuff, like Neverland Ranch, or dangling his child over a balcony, or that he wore pajama pants to court (can I officially blame MJ for that whole wearing pajamas out in public fashion trend? Because I need to blame someone.)

It wasn’t just in his personal life where Michael was a bit eccentric; Michael’s weirdness extended into his music, where he literally made up words that he’d commonly use in his songs, words like “Shamone” or “Atcha-ooo.” It was Michael’s own little private vocabulary that he just inserted randomly into songs, and we all just went along for the ride, because the ride was so much damn fun. (In his defense, the line “Mama Say, Mama Sa, Mama Coosa” from his hit song “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin” was actually Cameroonian and not made-up gibberish.) But it didn’t just end with made up words! Michael loved to fill up his music with an assortment of grunts, moans, yelps, high pitched squeals, and other sounds that were absolutely unique to him.

Now a fan by the name of michaelm2391 on YouTube has gone and made a supercut of all the weird Michael noises from various songs, and removed the music from them, so it alternately sounds like someone crying, having sex, or being killed by some kind of wild animal for about four minutes. Take your pick. And remember, some of these noises without the music sound like porno noises with the music removed, so if you’re at work, you might want to turn the volume down, or you might get weird looks from other people in your office. Enjoy!

HT: YouTube User michaelm2391 via The AV Club

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