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Zookeepers are Recreating Chris Pratt’s Moves in JURASSIC WORLD

After literally the biggest opening weekend ever, Jurassic World fever has taken over, well, the world. Everyone wishes they could hop on a motorcycle and hang out with some dinosaurs, right? Sadly, we can’t grab a frosty beverage and enjoy watching pterodactyls flapping around an atrium quite yet. I know, we’re sad about it too. But, we have uncovered some real life Chris Pratts working hard and joining in on the Jurassic World hype.

Keepers and trainers at aquariums and zoos all over are announcing their membership in Pratt’s raptor squad. Starting on Twitter, keepers have been posting photos recreating the famous shot of Pratt’s character Owen Grady taming the velociraptors. I love a good meme, and these photos are amazing. What better way to spread the word about zoos and aquariums?

Let’s take a look at some of our favorites we’ve wrangled up:

Raptor Squad 1

Raptor Squad 2Credit: Nicole Leslie from the Santa Ana Zoo (via Zookeeper Rick)
Raptor Squad #3Credit: Andy Scott from the Brevard Zoo (via Zookeeper Rick)


#raptorsquad #clevergirls #chrispratt #raptorshotremake

A photo posted by Susie Rodenkirchen Walker (@susiethefivetoedsloth) on

Credit: Susan Walker from the National Aquarium

Raptor Squad 4Credit: Jason Smyth (@slayer1551)

Raptor Squad 6Credit: Shelby Storrie from the Dallas Zoo

Raptor Squad 8Credit: Lion Country Safari

Jurassic Keeper. #jurassicworld #dinosaur #emu #jurassiczookeeper #animal #movie A photo posted by Jon Ovens (@parrotman_jon) on

Credit: Jon Ovens from Longleat Safari Park

Raptor Squad 9Credit: The Georgia Aquarium

Raptor Squad 10Credit: California Academy of Sciences

Raptor Squad 11 Credit: Audrey Niemeyer from the Greensboro Science Center


Raptor Squad 12 Credit: Jill Sanders from Santa Ana Zoo


Raptor Squad 13
Credit: Jessica (@keepertalk) from Minnesota Zoo


Credit: Woodland Park Zoo

Raptor Squad 15 Credit: Auckland Zoo

Comedians…deadly…but they CAN be trained. #JurassicMidnight @jonahray @thegynomite @kumailn

A photo posted by Chris Hardwick (@nerdist) on

Way to go, trainers! Can we join your squads? We would gladly hop on a motorcycle and venture into the wild with all of you. The best part is that a lot of these animals (the birds) actually are dinosaurs! Be sure to send me your raptor squad photos by tweeting me @michelledeidre or @nerdistdotcom.

What do you think of this AWESOME trend? What animal would you love to train ala Chris Pratt? Drop us your comments and thoughts below!


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