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You’ll Want This Actual GAME OF THRONES Opening Credits’ Astrolabe

Game of Thrones has the best opening credits in television, maybe ever. Between the song and the living map that displays the major settings of the season and episode, nothing comes close. The single most exciting event in my life is when a new location is added. The theme song is my ringtone. Which is why I am going to need to get this fully functioning official Game of Thrones Astrolabe—aka the spinning thing from the credits.


Insight Editions is releasing a collector’s edition book set that comes with their previously released Pop-Up Guide to Westeros and this amazing astrolabe, which “stands over 13 inches high and is fully articulated, with moving rings that dynamically replicate the oscillating movement of the astrolabe seen in the Game of Thrones opening sequence.”

The rings feature House Sigils from all of Westeros, and the stand is made up of the symbols from four of the great houses, Stark, Baratheon, Lannister, and Targaryen, the same four that get billing at the end of the credits.

An exclusive video of the real astrolabe in action is available on

If you think this might be more of a want and less of a necessity (I disagree), but you can sign up here for the Insight Editions’ newsletter and it will automatically enter you to win one. If you do win and then you give it to me I’ll swear my house to yours and answer any time you call your banners.

Where will you display yours? I’m thinking I’ll need two: one for my car’s dashboard and one to carry around all the time. Tell us your best idea for how to display yours in the comments below.


Featured Image: HBO

Image: Insight Editions

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