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Episode 37: You Made It Weird
Myq Kaplan

You Made It Weird #37: Myq Kaplan

Myq Kaplan (Last Comic Standing, Vegan Mind Meld, comedy), and I know we say this a lot but FOR SERIOUS, gets real weird in this episode. Non-monogamy and other serious or deep things come up somehow amidst a sea of jokes. Just a SEA of them. A quick, deep mind. Get into it!

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Special thanks to Carvin for supplying us with the equipment we need to record this podcast! Check out for more information on recording equipment, guitars, amps and more!

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  1. The best thing I ever did whilst working in IT was creating a swear filter for a company we used to support.

    We downloaded a list but I took it upon myself to ensure every manner of filth was sufficiently covered.

    I spent hours, giggling my ass off putting in a lot of creative and made up words (as well as some of my friend’s names).

    Anyway, my senior was going over the list just before he implemented it. His face was classic, a nice even mixture of disgust and shock. Anyway, being a slightly naive nerd, at one point he stops and says, “what’s a cum dumpster?” and it floored me.