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Episode 231: You Made It Weird
W. Kamau Bell

You Made It Weird #231: W. Kamau Bell

W. Kamau Bell (Totally Biased!) makes it weird!

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  1. H.J. says:

    Pete: “Sometimes I shit in the grinder”(…maybe that’s why your show got cancelled…) Just kidding! Love you Pete!

  2. choy says:

    Around 1:35 when Kamau made the distinction between “Followers” vs. “watchers” or friends on social media – so true… It’s interesting to think how differently we might approach the idea of sharing everything if we thought of people more as “watchers”. Now that I think about it, calling them “Followers” has a real cult-like implication as celebrity levels it’d be easy to forget that not everyone is gonna agree with you blindly.

  3. FreshMetal says:

    I know what you guys are talking about with the conversation about bailing on a popular show.  My wife and I missed the boat on Dexter, and decided to try it out on Netflix.  After the first couple episodes, we were both left wondering what all of the hype was about.  We haven’t gone back to it since.

  4. Bob says:

    Get Russell Brand on this show!

  5. a says:

    Just wanted to say that I ESPECIALLY enjoyed the racial talk. Thanks for the podcast as always!

  6. miranda says:

    I enjoyed it except for all the racial talk.  There was so much racial focus.  Why? It seemed Kamau was forcing his race agenda in a few places where the conversation had nothing to do with race.  

  7. Jack says:

    Great episode.

  8. Josh says:

    This might be the smartest conversation about comedy ever on YMIW! Totally rad takes on the ins and outs of funny. It had the feel of a master’s class. Seriously awesome. “Imagine Bill Burr with kids”!! Good Lord.

  9. M-chu says:

    AWesome, thought provoking, rad episode.  Cameron Esposito and W Kamau’s eps have made me excited to listen to YMIW again!