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Xbox and Oculus Team Up for the Future

If you’re planning on picking up Facebook’s Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, you will find a somewhat familiar controller. Microsoft and Oculus announced today that they will be teaming up to include an Xbox One controller and adapter in each box for the headset. That means that up-to-date gamers will already be acclimated to the controls which will make the whole experience even more seamless.

Along with this surprising combination, the Oculus will support the new Xbox to Windows streaming. Unfortunately this doesn’t mean that VR games will be seen on the console, instead it will basically give you an extra simulated screen to play on. As of right now that seems to be the type of support they are speaking about, but more details should soon emerge.

Things are quickly heating up with the Rift set to ship out to consumers in the first quarter of 2016. Teaming up with Microsoft to use the Xbox One controller is a brilliant move. By choosing this route they avoid having to use some weird controller that they must develop and also assure themselves of having a high quality input method. Other companies that are entering the virtual reality race have opted for creating their own input method and though it may work great, very few things in this world will feel more comfortable in your hands than an Xbox controller.

It will be interesting to see what else can come out of this partnership. The two companies are not technically competing against each other since Microsoft is working on an augmented reality rig with their HoloLense. This could also be a calculated move to eventually get the One some VR support so that they can compete with Sony’s Morpheus. We expect to see more of this in the coming weeks, so keep it here as we update you on the latest news concerning these gadgets. Hop into the comment section below and let us know if you are on board with this move.

HT: Engadget

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